GPU Resources, Training, and Inference at your fingertips.
Utilize GPU Resources at a fair price.
Frequently Asked Questions

What are GPU credits?
GPU stands for Graphics Processing Unit. When artificial intelligence generates images the GPU hardware uses a lot of costly computing resources, which is paid for through GPU credits. GPU credits are used to buy processing time from the GPU or for a set number of images generated by the GPU.
How can I buy GPU credits?
ProdigyAI GPU credits are only available through our clients’ websites based on anticipated usage.
How many credits do I have?
We are a third party GPU service. Credits are purchased through our clients and are based on various factors, such as your subscription plan or for generating a set number of images.
What can I spend ProdigyAI GPU credits on?
Credits are spent through our clients’ respective websites for your usage of computer generated content.
Do you offer refunds?
We are a third party GPU service. Please visit the website where your GPU credits were purchased for refund information.
Why did your company appear on my credit card statement?
When you purchase GPU credits from a ProdigyAI client, the charge will appear as ProdigyAI on your credit card statement. This is because you need ProdigyAI GPU credits to generate images through our client’s website.
How do I contact ProdigyAI if I have additional questions?
You can send an email to
© ProdigyAI, LLC 2024